Frequently Asked Questions

What conditions do you treat?

At this time my clinical focus is on pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence using pelvic floor muscle training, pessaries and exercise interventions. Please see the services page for a full list. 

How long are your appointments?

I offer 30minute virtual appointments to go over your health history and 60minute in-person appointments for pelvic floor muscle training and pessary fittings. Follow ups tend to be 30minutes.

How much do appointments cost?

30minute appointments are $95

60minute appointments are $145 + $40 if being fit for a pessary

Pessary purchase is $125

Do you do direct billing for insurance?

No. You are billed at the time of your appointment and you can claim your appointment independently with your insurance company. If you are claiming under MVA or WSIB I can direct you to local practioners who work under this model.

Can I claim Pelvic Health appointments under Physiotherapy for insurance purposes?

Yes! I am a Registered Physiotherapist in Ontario and you can claim all appointments under Physiotherapy with your private insurance provider, whether I am seeing you for an pelvic floor or pessary fitting appointment. 

Do you offer services to those in the LGBTQ2+ community?

Although the majority of my training and clinical experience has involved cisgender women (assigned female at birth (born with a vagina) and identify as female), I am an LGBTQIA2+ ally. The majority of the principles and concepts in the holistic, biopsychosocial approach that I take with any of my clients can be applicable and useful to anyone, however there are specific considerations to take into account when someone is undergoing gender affirmation therapy or surgery. I am familiar with Physiotherapy techniques that can be helpful with chest feminization or masculinization surgeries, as well as post-op vaginoplasty including dilator use. Feel free to message me below if you have any questions, and if I cannot address them adequately for you then I can refer you to another local practitioner with additional education and insight.

Do you offer Pelvic Health Physiotherapy to those with male anatomy?

Yes, I can help with pelvic concerns with any genital anatomy, although the bulk of my experience is with people assigned female at birth (born with a vagina) and my clinical focus around pessaries at this time also centers around female anatomy. I am familiar with treating primarily urinary incontinence for cisgendered men (assigned male at birth, identify as men), but do strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for all my clients. If you have male anatomy and are seeking care, I would suggest working with another Pelvic Health Physiotherapist at All Things Pelvic Physiotherapy and Pessary Clinic in Kitchener, or someone local to you, depending on your location, to ensure you have the best care possible.

Do I have to participate in an internal pelvic floor exam?

No – unless you are having a pessary fitting because that involves inserting the pessary into the vagina. Every part of a Physiotherapy exam is completely dependent on your comfort, consent and what your concerns are. An internal exam may not be indicated as part of your care if you are coming in for something like shoulder pain. If you have low back or hip pain, then an internal exam may be beneficial but it is always up to you. If you have a pelvic health specific complaint then an internal exam would be indicated and would allow us to have the most complete picture of what is contributing to your concerns. However, this is always done within your comfort and consent, and we can stop an assessment at any time or defer to completing it at another appointment. Learn about what is involved in an internal exam.

Do I have to do anything to ‘prepare’ for a pelvic health assessment?

Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Your choice of “hair style” or personal grooming tends not to impact the assessment. You do not need to shower or “clean up” before an appointment.

Can I have a pelvic health assessment “on my period”/while I’m menstruating?

Yes, you can! Vaginal tissues do change in response to our hormones so it can be valuable to be assessed during your period, especially if you have more symptoms related to your menstrual cycle. I will have you remove your tampon or diva cup, if you use one, before the internal and you can replace it afterwards. Internal exams are always done with your consent, so if you aren’t feeling it while you are on your period then we can always refrain and revisit another day if needed. 

The only exception is if you are coming in for a pessary tissue check after you’ve been using your pessary for a couple of months. We want to be able to see the vaginal walls to make sure there are no areas of irritation, so menstruation may limit our ability to reliably see the tissue.

I have been referred to you by another Pelvic Health Physiotherapist or practitioner for a pessary fitting. What do I do?

For All Things Pelvic in Kitchener, you can book pessary fitting appointments directly by calling 519-222-2402 and Helen will be able to set that up for you and give you any information that you need. Please see the booking page and feel free to check out more information about pessaries.

Still have questions? Feel free to check out the education section for information or send me your question below!