
Whether you’re a client looking to address your pelvic health concerns, you’re looking for a pessary fitting for ongoing management of prolapse or bladder leaking, or are a clinician looking for mentorship, I am happy to help! 

Pelvic Physiotherapy

Common Pelvic Heath concerns include:

  • bladder concerns including frequency, urgency, leaking (incontinence) or pain (painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis)
  • bowel concerns including pain, smearing/leaking, constipation
  • pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain, back pain or pubic symphysis pain
  • exercise through pregnancy and birth preparation
  • recovery after vaginal or cesearean birth, including return to exercise, bladder leaking or rectus diastasis (abdominal stretch) management
  • pelvic pain including low back, tailbone, hip and pubic pain
  • sexual pain including pain on the outside (vulvodynia), at the entrance (vestibulodynia or vaginismus) or inside the vagina with touch or penetration (dyspareunia)
  • pain associated with menstruation or endometriosis (dysmenorrhea)
  • pelvic organ prolapse concerns (heaviness, pressure or falling out sensations at the vagina)
  • prehab (before) and rehab (after) care for abdominal or pelvic sugeries, including gender affirming procedures

I have taken additional courses that allow me to perform internal assessment and treatment of the pelvic floor muscles as part of our Pelvic Physiotherapy plan together. This is done via digital exam into the vagina or rectum, depending on your anatomy and concerns. This part of the assessment is always dependent on your comfort and consent, and is only one part of a holistic approach to your pelvic health concerns. For more information about pelvic heath assessments, please visit my pelvic health page.

Do you have concerns from the list above or questions about pelvic health?

Pessary Fittings

Pessaries are medical-grade silicone devices that help to support the pelvic organs. They can help relieve symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse or stress urinary incontinence. This can be a simple, conservative way to greatly increase your comfort and quality of life if you have aggrevating symptoms.

I have taken extra training to be able to fit pessaries and am currently fitting ring with support, Gelhorn, cube and dish styles. You can use a pessary in conjuction with Pelvic Physiotherapy treatment or exercises. 

I book 60-90 minutes for your pessary fitting appointment. This is because I want to have ample time to get your full history and to try as many pessary sizes and types as we need to in order to find a good fit for you. We take the time together to ensure your pessary resolves your symptoms and feels comfortable in lying, sitting, with walking, lifting and using the bathroom. We’ll also go through how to insert and remove your pessary together so you know what to do yourself at home. Please visit my pessaries page to find out more about pessary fitting appointments.

Mentorship and Community Services

Are you a Physiotherapist new to Pelvic Health or Pessary services and looking for support and guidance? I offer 1-1 mentorship and shadowing opportunities to help you feel confident providing client care in your own practice. Fill out the contact form so we can connect!

Perhaps you’re from a community group that you think would benefit from learning more about Pelvic Health? Maybe you are a personal trainer or fitness coach with a Mom and Baby group and you want to chat about pelvic health before or after birth. Maybe you want to teach your gym members more about recovery, injury and pain management. Maybe you’re an organizer for a special interest group who would benefit from more information about exercise and wellness. Let’s connect and get this valuable information out there!