
Menopause itself refers to the date when you had your last period, determined retroactively after you have not had a period/menstrual cycle for 12 consecutive months. It is more accurate to describe yourself as being either peri-menopausal (irregular periods or last period was less than 12 months ago) or postmenopausal (haven’t had a period in more than one year).

Perimenopause occurs when your hormones start fluctuating, your periods start to change or become irregular and are accompanied by the symptoms of peri-menopause that most women have heard about – hot flashes, undesired hair growth, fatigue, brain fog. This usually starts happening between 40-55 years of age,  and can last for 6-8 years.

During peri-menopause and continuing post-menopause, hormones also impact the vaginal tissues, with vaginal dryness and thinning can become a concern. This is called vaginal atrophy. Concerns that can happen at any time of life such as incontinence (bladder leaking), pain with sex and pelvic organ prolapse (feeling heaviness or bulging in the vagina) can become symptomatic or become worse during peri and post menopause. These changes and symptoms can impact how women feel about their sexual health, and historically these topics (sex, leaking, vaginas in general) were not discussed socially or even medically. This is where Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can come into play – your pelvic health is my specialty!

Mythbuster: Regardless of what pad commercials would have you believe, women who are peri-menopausal or post menopausal CAN still enjoy optimal pelvic health including bladder control, prolapse management and sexual comfort and satisfaction.

How Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help:

What you can do now: