
A huge part of Physiotherapy is sharing information about how your body systems work together. I hope through sharing these ideas that you will develop a better understanding of what may be going on for you and what you can do about it. Check them out for some strategies that you can play with now and that we can build off of together!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pelvic Health Physio? What can you expect in an appointment? Is this covered under insurance? What about COVID? Find your answers here!

Joint and Muscle Pain Education

Pain is a universal experience. But why do we hurt? Why is your pain lasting? What can you do to make things feel better?

Five Pillars of Health and Wellness

Nutrition, exercise, stress and recovery, social support and emotional coping all play into your health and happiness (or lack thereof). Do you have a strong foundation?

Recovery Response – Rest, Digest, Be Happy, Have Sex

In North America, we have a painfully busy society (literally). Episodes of stress are inevitable but ongoing stress is detrimental to health and wellness. Find out ways to kick up your recovery response to help you become more resilent, happy and healthy!

What is Pelvic Health Physiotherapy?

The pelvis is an important and complex region that traditionally does not get the medical attention that it deserves. Let’s rectify that together.

Urinary Incontinence (Bladder Leaking)

Bladder leaking effects 30-50% of women, yet is underreported and undertreated. There ARE things you can do to help control your bladder and live your life, without leaking.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Heaviness, pressure, a feeling of ‘falling out’, ‘a stuck tampon’, bulging or dragging are common sensations felt with a pelvic organ prolapse. Let’s uncover the truth about what is going on and ways to manage your symptoms.


Pessaries are silicone devices that go into the vagina to help support pelvic organ prolapse or help with stress urinary incontinence (bladder leaking). Find out more about how these ‘sports bras for the organs’ work and whether one may be right for you.

Bowel Health Tips

Constipation, pain, straining – these are common yet concerning symptoms then can influence your pelvic health. Here are some straight forward yet powerful strategies to improve digestion so you can have a quick and easy poop!

Sexual Pain Conditions and Treatment

Pain at the vulva and vagina with touch, pressure, sexual stimulus or penetration can be surrounded by fear, uncertainty and shame. Learning more about these concerns can be a great first step in your path towards experiencing pain-free sex.

Exercise in Pregnancy and Pelvic Floor Considerations

Pregnancy is a time of physical and emotional change, with many different experiences, expectations, fears and emotions. What activity is safe or unsafe to do? Do you take it easy, or try to increase your strength? What about your core in pregnancy? Find out more here!

Birth Preparation Resources

Your birth is coming up – exciting, scary times! You’ve heard Pelvic Floor work is important for your birth and recovery, but what does that mean? What can you do to help promote a healthy birth and recovery afterwards?

Recovery After Birth: Exercise, Abs and the Pelvic Floor

Baby is out – congratulations! But… now what? There may be some abdominal and pelvic changes after a vaginal or cesarean birth – what to do about those? Can you run 6 weeks post partum? Do you have rectus diastasis – whatever the heck that is?! Find out more here!


Menopause occurs at 1 year after your last menstrual cycle. This can bring physical and emotional changes that may or may not be expected. There are ways to ease this process and bolster your health going forward.